Cory Calderone


I'm Cory, a computer science student at Northeastern University. I recently concluded my second co-op at WHOOP. I made this website to practice my CSS, HTML, and Javascript, as well as to showcase some of my own personal projects.

Take a look around! I hope you enjoy.


This website!
This website was originally written in pure HTML/CSS and deployed on GitHub pages last year (spring of 2019). I've since updated it with a new style and my recent personal projects.
A webapp that uses to generates custom "Rewind" playlists based on a given time range. Using both the and Spotify APIs, backpedal builds data models of a user's listening data from a given time range to see custom playlists from any time! Deployed to Heroku.
I have two GroupMe groups that share Spotify links to songs. I wrote this app to automatically parse incoming messages to add songs to a Spotify playlist in real-time!
Written in Flask using the Spotify and GroupMe public APIs. Deployed on an AWS EC2 instance. Status check available at
Vitamin C
My first exploration into React! I have a radio show at Northeastern's very own WRBB. My desire to try out React coincided with my wanting to develop a "home page" for my show. The app currently fetches all my show playlists from Spotify via an Express backend and displays them on the page. Soon I hope to add more interesting statistics about the music I play (frequency of artists, genres, etc.) and allow for users to tune in live from this site.
A small Reddit bot written last year to practice interfacing with public APIs. When the script runs, it PMs my personal account with recent posts that exceed 1000 comments(i.e., lots of discussion). Written in Python.
Small to-do list app written to practice jQuery. Allows for adding/removing/crossing off items, as well as multiple lists on the page.
Color guessing game written in Javascript. Written based on the activity from Colt Steele's Web Developer Bootcamp.
Command line tic-tac-toe game in Java. Applied MVC architecture learned in my Object-Oriented Design course.